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时间:2014-09-24 20:13:16来源:小谜语 分类:范文大全

(4) Reading Newspapers Is A Good Habit
Newspapers are important media. They can provide all kinds of latest news from both at home and abroad, which can help us understand the world better.
Newspapers can also make our life rich. In newspapers, we can read stories about a variety of people, find weather reports, introductions to new books, advertisements on traveling, and so on.
As English learners, reading newspapers in English, such as “China Daily”, is one of the best ways to improve our English. There are many words, phrases and structures for us to learn, and what’s more, we can acquire abundant knowledge of history, culture and society.

(5) Is a Training Class or Family Teacher Necessary?
More and more middle school students are going to all kinds of training classes or having family teachers at the weekend. There are two different viewpoints about it.
Some thinks it necessary. Firstly, it’s more effective to study with a teacher than by themselves. Secondly, it can strengthen what is learnt in class. Besides, they can learn a lot more, Others think it unnecessary. For one thing, students can easily form the habit of dependence. For another, students need time to relax from time to time. What’s more, the purpose of many training classes and teachers is to make money.
In my opinion, whether a training class or family teacher is needed just depends. If you are really very weak at or interested in a certain subject, maybe it’s OK for you. But be sure to choose a good and suitable class or teacher, otherwise it would be a waste of time and money.

(6) The Advantages and disadvantages of Space Travel
There are several advantages of space travel. First of all, it could provide man with new places to live in and new sources of energy. In addition, space travel helps people understand the universe better. Also space travel research does good to other research fields. However, space travel also has some disadvantages. It uses up too much money which could be spent in other ways. What’s more, the idea of man living on other planets is unrealistic. Space travel could be dangerous, too. In a word, though there are the disadvantages, I think space travel is a good thing. It is important for man to explore and learn about the universe.


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